I KNO UVE SEEN THIS ALREADY BUT TRUST MEH ITS SOME WHAT DIFFRNT AND Yah i dnt kno i forgot... ohh ya! i cnt be on all the time this month FINNALS NOW U KNO. What is your age? 16 << How long have you been playing SA-MP?. about 1 and a half years or so
What is your favorite weapons.? sawn off shot gun. duh!
Have you ever been a part of another clan? even count are a full fledge "Clan" nope not really.
Have you ever cheated, bugged or hacked in SA-MP? once ive tried (BROKE MY COMP ''VogLez brings a virus" ) . horrible just horrible.
Do you have a microphone? yes but i dnt do vent (iDk how)
What is your MSN id? i use yahoo. and its:faisal2047@yahoo.com
What country do you live in? America (Arizona)
What would you bring to the clan? well im (KinDa) good at fighting. i can edit skins,cars. i can go all out with alot of stuff. im also a rule freak. hate it when peeps break rules
P.S. u already kno meh i was sss but i promise if im not on for alsmost all of winter break KICK MEH (WIt THE StEeL tOeS)
ive worked my ass off tryin to be in the sss and trust me u dnt kno how much i want my position back. PLEASE think about this one.